Termini generali di utilizzo del sito it.mauriziomontobbio.com
ARTICOLO 1: Oggetto
Il presente contratto “Termini generali di utilizzo del sito mauriziomontobbio.com” ha per oggetto l’inquadramento legale dell’utilizzo del sito mauriziomontobbio.com e i suoi servizi.
Il presente contratto è concluso tra :
Il direttore del sito, di seguito indicato come “l’Editore”, da una parte,
e ogni altra entità che raggiunga e voglia utilizzare i servizi delle pagine del sito, di seguito indicato come “l’Utilizzatore”.
I termini generali di utilizzo del sito devono essere accettati da ogni Utilizzatore (Utilizzatrice) e il suo accesso al sito vale per accettazione dei termini generali di utilizzo del sito in oggetto.
ARTICOLO 2: Informazioni legali
Il sito mauriziomontobbio.com è pubblicato da Maurizio Montobbio (l’Editore)
42 rue Saint Bernard; 75011, Parigi, Francia.
Telefono +33 6 72 70 11 69
Email: maurizio.montobbio@free
ARTICOLO 3: Accesso ai servizi
L’utilizzo del sito mauriziomontobbio.com da accesso ai seguenti servizi:
Ogni Utilizzatore con connessione internet puo’ raggiungere il sito gratuitamente da qualunque postazione con connessione internet. Ogni spesa sostenuta dall’Utilizzatore per connettersi al sito, per acquisto di macchine e hardware informatico non è imputabile all’Editore.
Il sito e i suoi servizi possono essere interrotti o sospesi dall’Editore in particolare in concomitanbza con interventi di manutenzione, senza obbligo di preavviso o di giustificazione.
ARTICOLO 4: Responsibility of the User
The User assumes the full responsibility of the use that he makes information and present contents on the mauriziomontobbio.com site
Any use of the service by the User having directly or indirectly for consequence of the damage has to be the object of a compensation for the benefit of the site.
The site does not allow the members to publish on the site
ARTICOLO 5: Responsibility of the Publisher(Editor)
Any dysfunction of the waiter(server) or the network cannot engage the responsibility of the Publisher(Editor).
Also, the responsibility of the site cannot be committed in case of force majeure or of the unpredictable and insuperable fact of a third.
The mauriziomontobbio.com site makes a commitment to implement all the necessary means to guarantee the security and the data privacy. However, he does not bring a guarantee of total security.
The Publisher(Editor) saves himself the faculty of a non-guarantee of the reliability of sources, although the information spread(broadcasted) on the site is considered reliable.
ARTICOLO 6: Intellectual property
The contents of the mauriziomontobbio.com site (logos, texts, elements graphs, videos, etc.) are copyrighted, by virtue of the Code of the intellectual property.
The User will have to obtain the authorization of the publisher(editor) of the site before any reproduction, copy or publication of these various contents.
The latter can be used by the users for private purposes; any commercial use is forbidden.
The User is completely responsible for any contents which he puts on-line and he makes a commitment not to strike a blow at a third.
ARTICOLO 7: Personal data
The e-mail address of the user can be in particular used by the site mauriziomontobbio.com for the communication of diverse information and the management of the account.
Guaranteed mauriziomontobbio.com the respect for private life of the user, according to the law n°78-17 of January 6th, 1978 relative to the computing, to the files and to the liberties.
By virtue of articles 39 and 40 of the law on January 6th, 1978, the User has a right of access, rectification, deletion and opposition of his personal data. The User exercises this right via:
A form of contact
· By e-mail maurizio.montobbio@free.fr
· By mail way at the address of the publisher(editor)
ARTICOLO 8: Hypertext links
The domains towards which the present hypertext links on the site lead do not engage the responsibility of the Publisher(Editor) of mauriziomontobbio.com which has no control over these links.
It is possible for a third(third party) to create a link towards a page of the site mauriziomontobbio.com without express authorization of the publisher(editor).
ARTICOLO 9: Evolution of general terms of use
The mauriziomontobbio.com site reserves the right to modify the clauses of these general terms of use at any time and without justification.
ARTICOLO 10: Duration of the contract
The duration of the present contract is indefinite. The contract produces its effects towards the User as from the beginning of the use of the service.
ARTICOLO 11: Applicable right and competent jurisdiction
The present contract depends on the French legislation.
In case of amicable not resolute dispute between the User and the Publisher(Editor), the courts of Paris are competent to settle the dispute.